Beardsley Ultra Beard Conditioner- Product Review
Easy to use product that provides hours of softness to your facial hairs
Introduction & Overview
Product Name:
Beardsley Ultra Conditioner
Product Type:
Not your average conditioning treatment for the beard. Oils and balms are effective leave in conditioners but what if you want to condition your beard in the shower. Using a quality shampoo and conditioner is the most effective way to keep your facial hair healthy.
Our Rating:
Many conditioning and beard shampoo products come in a balm that can be used to give your hairy growth some shape and style. The premade type mixture does this by utilizing a leave in conditioner that can be rubbed into your facial hair and doesn't need to be washed out. Another popular method for conditioning is to use an oil, but many people find this messy leaves your hair feeling oily.
Traditional Conditioner 
So, what happens when we don't prefer oils or balms or need a product to use while in the shower?
This is where a pure facial hair conditioner comes in. Without the sheen and shaping properties of balms and oils, a more conventional conditioner like this product has the sole purpose of softening your hair without leaving your skin feeling dry and itchy like some hair conditioners do.
Bead Conditioner With a Scent Of The Beach and Wilderness
I found most reactions to the scent to be positive after holding friends down and making them captives of my beard hair. This product has a soft wild berry scent that is a little on the fresh side without being overly feminine. The mixture of wildflowers and coconuts are blended lightly into the product.
It's a welcome change from the usually woody, manly scents found in most beard care tools that are available to us. Not everyone has the same tastes when it comes to aromas, however I found that this one slowly subsided soon after leaving the shower, and with a quick rinse you can eliminate it all together.
Fantastic Moisturizer
Remember that facial hair is very different to the hair on your head. Facial hair tends to be more thick and coarse when you compare the two. Because of this, Beardsley has created a whole line of shampoos and conditioners focusing solely on the scruff on your face.
This product will moisturize and soften the bristles of your beard so they don't poke out at crazy angles giving you that wild hair look.
During this review, I was able to see this wash out conditioner give a deep enough nourishment to last all throughout the day. Leave in oil and balm conditioners stay in your beard the whole day leaving them hours to hydrate and moisturize. What we're interested in is will this conditioner make my hair softer, reduce beard itch and decrease dryness even after it has been rinsed out in the shower.
There is such a rich profile of botanicals to be found in
A conditioner is as simple to use as any hair conditioner. Using this product I only needed a pea-sized amount of cream to get a lather covering all my facial hair down to the roots. This conditioner is capable of covering even the largest of beards with ease and you will quickly see that one bottle of Beardsley Ultra is going to last forever.
Work it into your hair as usual and if you want, let it sit for a few minutes before you rinse it out. My one piece of advice it to keep up
My facial hair has become softer, tamer, less itchy and the skin under my beard isn't dry anymore. If you're somebody with thick coarse facial hair and I'm talking about the abrasive
The results have been all positive and if you're looking at adding a good beard shampoo into the mix before you condition, then I highly recommend you check out
Our Final Verdict
This product is a straight up conditioner which is great if balms and oils have never been your thing, but you want similar results. With conditioner, you can lather it up, then wash it out while having your daily shower. If you invest in a good quality conditioner, you're going to see some amazing enhancements to your beard, but you need to remember, this is just one part of total facial hair care. For more resources and reviews, click here to see everything that's on the market which we have recommended.
To get maximum results from this product you need to use it regularly for a couple of weeks. For those of you with coarse stiff hair, you must add this to your bead supply kit. If your balms and oils are not satisfying you, this product could be the key to the promised land. Once you buy some conditioner, remember it will make a natural complement to any beard shampoo you could be using.