Detroit Supra Pomade - Product Review
Water based product
Introduction & Overview
Product Name:
Detroit Supra Pomade
Product Type:
This pomade gives you a strong hold to style and shape and finishes with a shiny streak. This pomade washes from your hair easily and is very kind to your skin.
Our Rating:
That perfect, slicked back, fresh out of the barbershop look doesn’t last nearly as long as you’d like. By the time you go to sleep and wake up the next morning, your hair is flat down in your face. A little water will keep it up for say, five minutes, but what you really need for an all-day hold is a pomade.
Pomades are gel-like substances that are worked through the hair to give it shape – ideal for men with a big of longer hair up front, or if you’re a mohawk person, a pomade is going to be in your wheelhouse too. Pomades tend to be a bit on the pricier side of hair care products, so choosing one takes a bit of thought.
In this Detroit Supra Water-Based Pomade 16oz review, we put this product to the test in terms of duration of hold, shine, scent, and price, so that you can decide if you’d like to try it out for yourself.
Oil-Based vs. Water-Based Pomades
One of the main complaints about pomades is that while they do the job of keeping hair in place, they can leave a sticky, greasy residue in your hair that’s difficult to get out. This is because pomades are traditionally oil-based, and while they do a great job of achieving that classic slicked back look, they can be a pain to remove from your hair or beard. A quick rinse with water just isn’t gonna cut it.
Water-based pomades like Detroit Grooming Co.’s Supra are newer and solve the greasy residue problem with their water-soluble formula. They can be completely rinsed out with nothing but water, which is incredibly quick and convenient. However, a water-based pomade isn’t going to give you that slicked back, leather jacket ready look that only an oil-based pomade can give you. The purpose of water-based pomades is to hold, and hold Supra does – the extra strong hold dries hard and doesn’t let the hair go anywhere you don’t want it to.

Pomades for Beards
Using hair care products for beards is a bit taboo in the beard growing community. Some men might see this Detroit Supra Water-based Pomade 16OZ review on a site about beards and scoff, but some men swear by it, saying pomades and hair gels are the only products that work to tame their long beards. Beard care discourse can get a bit bizarre, so we’ll just leave it at that.
It really comes down to a matter of personal preference. Men choose pomades over beard balms because the balms don’t provide a strong enough hold. Most men who use pomades for their beards prefer water-based ones like Detroit Grooming Co.’s Supra because they don’t like the heavy, greasy feeling of an oil-based pomade weighing their beard down.
Water-based pomades offer a lighter hold that’s more comfortable, just so long as you don’t go overboard and use so much that your beard becomes stiff as a board. As with most things in life, moderation is key. Most men find a combination of moisturizing beard oils and a pomade works best for them.
For more wax reviews, check out this page.
Our Final Verdict
Whether it’s your hair or beard that you’re looking to style, we hope you’ve learned something from our Detroit Supra Water-based Pomade 16OZ review. Maybe you’ve warmed up to the idea of using a pomade on your beard and you’re willing to give Supra a try, or maybe you’ve decided a pomade isn’t the right product for your hair or beard.
The bottom line is that if you’re looking for a really, really strong pomade to style the hair on your head or the hair on your chin, Supra’s extra strong hold will do the job. It won’t give you a slicked back look like a greaser in a black and white film, but it will definitely keep your hairs in place. The great tropical fruit smell is a bonus, as is the product’s ability to wash out with ease.